Research Group Multisensory Integration
The PLOSONE article "Taking a call is facilitated by the multisensory processing of smartphone vibrations, sounds, and flashes" by Pomper et al. has been featured in the Charité Press Release "How Sensory Systems Integrate Mobile Phone Signals".
The article "Beta-band activity in auditory pathways reflects speech localization and recognition in bilateral cochlear implant users" by Senkowski, Pomper, et al. has been featured on the cover of the July Issue of Human Brain Mapping
Our teaching for the summersemester at the Free University has started: Klinische Störungen
The article "Crossmodal shaping of pain: a multisensory approach to nociception" by Senkowski, Höfle, and Engel has been published in Trends in Cognitive Science.
Our DFG grant proposal "Predicting the multisensory future" got accepted.
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