Research Group Multisensory Integration
The article "Alpha-band oscillations reflect altered multisensory processing of the McGurk illusion in schizophrenia" by Yadira Roa Romero et al. has been accepted for publication by Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
The article "GABA concentration in superior temporal sulcus predicts gamma power and perception in the sound-induced flash illusion" by Johanna Balz et al. has been accepted by Neuroimage.
The article "Visuotactile motion congruence enhances gamma-band activity in visual and somatosensory cortices" by Martin Krebber et al. has been published in Neuroimage.
The article "Intersensory selective attention and temporal orienting operate in parallel and are instantiated in spatially distinct sensory and motor cortices" by Ulrich Pomper et al. has been published in Human Brain Mapping.
The article "Distinct patterns of local oscillatory activity and functional connectivity underlie intersensory attention and temporal prediction" by Julian Keil et al. has been accepted by Cortex.
Our research has been featured in Horizon, the online science magazine of the European Union.
A review article on sensory modulation of acute and chronic pain by Daniel Senkowski, Marion Höfle, and Andreas Engel has been published in the popular science journal Gehirn und Geist.
Several members of our group will present their current research at the "Psychologie & Gehirn" conference in Frankfurt and at the "International Multisensory Research Forum" in Pisa.
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