Research Group Multisensory Integration
The chapter "Neural Network Dynamics and Audiovisual Integration" by Keil and Senkowski has been published in the Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, entitled "Multisensory Processes - The Auditory Perspective"
The article "Reduced low-frequency power and phase locking reflect restoration in the auditory continuity illusion" by Kaiser et al. has been published in the European Journal of Neuroscience
The review article "Neural oscillations orchestrate multisensory processing" by Keil and Senkowski has been published in The Neuroscientist
James Moran presented recent data of our group at the Annual Meeting of the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (DGPPN) in Berlin
The article "High cognitive load enhances the susceptibility to non-speech audiovisual illusions" by Michail and Keil has been published in Scientific Reports
Julian Keil and Georgios Michail presented recent findings on the sound-induced flash illusion at the 11th Forum of Neurosience (FENS) in Berlin
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