Research Group Multisensory Integration
The joint application for funding of an Optically Pumped Magnetoencephalogram (OPM; initiated and coordinated by Prof. Uhlhaas) was approved by the German Research Foundation.
The press release "Stop-Signal Task May Aid Assessment of Adult ADHD" about our recent Neuropsychology Review article has been featured in several media outlets.
We welcome our new Ph.D. student Wiebke Hofmann, who will conduct studies on working memory processing in schizophrenia
Daniel presented our research at the Sino-German Multisensory Symposium in Beijing - Science unites!
Gökberg presented his recent data as a poster at the Berlin Bernstein Conference
21st, 12pm (CET): Hybrid presentation by Daniel entitled "Multisensory communication dynamics and neural oscillations" at TU Dresden
27-30th: Gökberk (poster) and Daniel (symposium and talk) present recent data from our group at the 21st International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) in Brussels
The article "Assessing inhibitory control deficits in adult ADHD: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the stop-signal task" by Senkowski et al., has been published in Neuropsychology Review
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